A Couple Choices

This is a direct quote from a student today. And it shows the magnitude of the struggles so many of our youth face. They think jail is their best option. 

JustTries, Journal, Jail, Youth, Quote

This is part of why I am so passionate, and at times angry about how hard it can be to help people pursue their passions and own those big dreams!

In school, for me, from kindergarten to today I loved learning.  But, always hated the system. I understand why the systems and structures exist.  But as early as the first grade it made zero sense to me. 

Yet, I was blessed with emotional control and the ability to play the game, and so I was never kicked out permanently.

In grade 12, all through my undergrad, it was the same. Long before online learning was a thing I still never went to class. I played sports, worked out, hung out with friends, made stuff, played video games, and listened to music. 

Yet again, I was blessed with the ability to play the game, and so I thrived by their standards. Tests were easy, they were black and white, binary, with straightforward answers. And, the teachers or professors certainly did not have unique ownership over the answers. 

I could learn any way I wanted, and go write the test, and voila, 96, 87, 92, whatever… 

But, so many children and youth don’t have this ability to survive the system, and that’s a big part of “my why”.  How do we help way more people feel like they have way more options?

JustTries, Justin Nolan, Text, Community

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